I recognize the mass murder champions of the world.

Nikolai Yezhov and Genrikh Yagoda.

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Adolf Hitler,

Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!


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The stars of the Devil.

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Bolsheviks are evil and should be eradicated from authority, power, influence, and kept away from Children.

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There was so much hope and joy in mid 1930โ€™s Germany. Astonishing in itself after the devastation that was unnecessarily inflicted upon them during and after WWI. There was such an obvious outpouring of love for a man who promised to give a land back to its people. A land that was stolen by the same parasites that, then, inflicted this 2nd atrocity on the beautiful souls of Deutschland.

If I could wish for anything from this life, it would be for the veil of deceit to be lifted from the eyes of the German people โ€ฆ and all peoples of the western world. The longer the masses live under (and blindly accept) the illusion presented by the evil elements of our societies, the more empowered they will become and the less likely there is to be another leader thatโ€™s brave enough to take them on.

I find myself getting very emotional when I see the adoring scenes in this video. And when I listen to the words that were actually spoken at that time rather than the interpretation of those words that are relentlessly presented to show Hitler in an unfavourable light.

I canโ€™t think of a single politician from the past 100 years that could stand shoulder to shoulder with this man. Who could achieve what he achieved during the pre-war years of his reign. Who could manage a war on almost every border of an almost landlocked country for 5 years. Who could receive such adoration from so many of his people.

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I don't know about you guys, but hearing the Fuhrer speak gives me goosebumps. Thanks for sharing.

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This Blows Me Away... I can feel the power in the truth of knowing how it is to go all out For the life, ones God- granted country, culture, people, ..the freedom from being obliterated or swallowed up in the vile filth of satanic bulshivick-God hating j**$ that want to pollute, rob, twist, destroy anything good that God created and made.

I only watched 58 minutes of this so far and had to Share. .

And I just needed to digest , reflect.. and I am filled with Hope again! And that is everything. All people must do whatever they can to stand against wickedness and God Will help us to stay standing, and if we don't doubt and remain courageous, we will have Victory! Amen!

I love that there's subtitles and another band of translation, except it overlays atop the one I'm reading and then I cannot see it. The one band of text that is in smaller print sometimes is not aligned with the other caption beneath it. I couldn't figure out if this was jumping ahead or falling behind. Or if was commentary of another kind. I couldn't keep up at times and I don't understand German, but whatever... This has been an exceptional documentary! It reaches ones soul . How can one not be moved to act? To live like never before.!?!

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Get on Yandex.com and read about the Bolsheviks. The deep state criminals can't sensor the Russian browser. He threw the trash like soros and the Central Bankers out of his country.

What a good Man for HIS PEOPLE.

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Just imagine being there when Hitler in his car passing his people, with red colors and confetti. Those bright reds, the millions of people. The love of country with its pride. No Germany has fallen back to Weimer republic. A cesspool of depravity. Run by the Jews to destroy the hard working white race. Thank you for video, I felt pride building up in me as I watch this. Now in USA, it is nothing but sorrow and depravity. Did not check my spelling.

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Thank you, for this information.

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Itโ€™s interesting and very well done.

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Is this an excerpt of Europa?

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