I'm English, my dad fought in the second world war. Actually, he got dropped in France when the British were retreating, and spent six weeks walking with a mixed bag of left behind soldiers until they managed to get a boat back from Dieppe. During that period amongst other things, he witnessed a Stuka raid on hospital ships full of Indian troops, making eye contact with the pilots as they flew around preparing for the next dive. The German pilots knew he was there and could've killed him. After getting home, he joined bomb disposal, working with unexploded bombs rather than go back. As a child I asked him lots of questions, and he said we might have been better off if Germany had won, which was certainly a partial antidote to the brainwashing I got from education and TV.
General Patton said we fought the wrong enemy, how long did he live after that?
Churchill's letters to his wife tell how he was excited and was looking forward to the war. Well, he certainly played his part, in both wars, and what an evil POS he was.
What foreigners don't get is that the British people are peasants, slaves. Landless peasants, subjects of the monarch, and well adjusted dumbed down slaves. They are brainwashed from birth and generally do as they are told by the establishment.
Wasn't it Eisenhower who ordered captured German soldiers be kept in open air barbed wire prisons until they died?
Here's my problem with Hitler in the so-called Nazis: based on all the lies we've heard:
He was not Hitler enough I would say less than 1% Hitler
The so-called Nazis were not Nazi enough I would say they were less than 0.5% Nazi
Hitler could have wiped out those f****** limeys at Dunkirk and what did he do he let them all escape. Typical British fashion they took that opportunity to save their own asses and then punish Hitler. Someone needs to just bomb f****** England
And I'm saying that as a descendant of England's greatest shipbuilder Henry Finch Winchilsea England!
That's a brave stand and a remarkable tell about England...Hat's off to you sir and heavy hearted I have to concur as my Father and Mother both immigrants Irish Mauritian to England wished for their children to have a good life... now what does that say about England !! White European Countries are under attack, no doubt about it as I have watched in the last four to five years... I stated back when the Balkans war erupted 'this is a Religious War and it is going to spread over the whole of Europe and Great Britain to a Jamaican lady I was installing a new central heating system in her house...and she exclaimed this is a back door invasion of England, that was in the nineties... well that is what is occurring right now as we speak...Ironic as me a mixed race kid born in the 60's in Essex, a rude Essex boy as a copper said to me despite my twenty seven letter name he laughed your more English than you are foreign whilst being nicked for drinking and fighting as it is a Garrison town where I live so was par for the course, the usual Friday night out on the lash !! Two wrongs don't make a right... I stayed away from white people for twelve years because of the realisation over my lifetime of the racist and prejudice treatment by the majority, the final straw being when I joined the Fire Service I thought I joined a select group of men and women who's benchmark is that you are a Firefighter regardless of colour gender or faith...Fire knows no prejudice only man against fellow man that's why I became a Firefighter but unfortunately I was wrong, I was just a toy to be played and to the management a political pawn in the bullshit diversity inclusion narrative which worsened everything and caused more problems than it solved... !! Anyhow it appears Christianity is under attack and Christians are being singled out above any other religion... Stupid ignorant Muslims who think to conquer Christianity instead of respecting each other faiths flawed as they all are and working toward the same end, God almighty !! we are fighting each other opposed to working together so all good sensed reasoned Christians and Muslims recognise that we have a common enemy and it is driving conflict between us both. The agent provocateur in all of this is where our attentions should be and working together to expose and eradicate this evil from our lives homes and world that's the only chance we have if we are to break and destroy this once and for all... we all are different and that is a good thing enabling us all to adapt and adopt what is wholesome and good from each other for each other and when we have won this battle go home and spread the good news and build back again those national states recognising each other and living our own way of life and respecting that...anyone who wishes to wage conflict upon the other expect to meet lawful resistance !!
That's because he never wanted to turn against his own people and offered a lot of times peace to the jews he didn't wanted to wage war because he knowed that millions of german aryan white people would die he wanted to free the world from the banking jews and make the world free from the parasites and live in a kosher free white society and he was so close 12 years free from the parasites
www-666 xxx-666 and so on everything they do is completely satanic and demonic but is normal cuz they're the destroyers and will remain the destroyers until they lead everyone to hell with they're father lucifer
And these f****** are so arrogant that they take credit in the Kabbalah for the flower of Life the seed of life and the tree of Life. Do these idiots know that they are on Karnak and a couple other places in Egypt and then precedes ancient Egypt by thousands of years? Typical lying pieces of s*** f****** Jews. They're going to pay one day dearly.
And their little escape place under the Denver airport and in the western states guess what people that have worked in there with the CIA have ways that is going to pull all that down say 50 years from now they ain't going to have a f****** place to hide that's all going to be sabotaged I know someone whose brothers working on it right now
Evil on earth.
I'm English, my dad fought in the second world war. Actually, he got dropped in France when the British were retreating, and spent six weeks walking with a mixed bag of left behind soldiers until they managed to get a boat back from Dieppe. During that period amongst other things, he witnessed a Stuka raid on hospital ships full of Indian troops, making eye contact with the pilots as they flew around preparing for the next dive. The German pilots knew he was there and could've killed him. After getting home, he joined bomb disposal, working with unexploded bombs rather than go back. As a child I asked him lots of questions, and he said we might have been better off if Germany had won, which was certainly a partial antidote to the brainwashing I got from education and TV.
General Patton said we fought the wrong enemy, how long did he live after that?
Churchill's letters to his wife tell how he was excited and was looking forward to the war. Well, he certainly played his part, in both wars, and what an evil POS he was.
What foreigners don't get is that the British people are peasants, slaves. Landless peasants, subjects of the monarch, and well adjusted dumbed down slaves. They are brainwashed from birth and generally do as they are told by the establishment.
Wasn't it Eisenhower who ordered captured German soldiers be kept in open air barbed wire prisons until they died?
Unfortunately for us Brits... you are correct !! odd as it sounds coming from someone as myself !!
Here's my problem with Hitler in the so-called Nazis: based on all the lies we've heard:
He was not Hitler enough I would say less than 1% Hitler
The so-called Nazis were not Nazi enough I would say they were less than 0.5% Nazi
Hitler could have wiped out those f****** limeys at Dunkirk and what did he do he let them all escape. Typical British fashion they took that opportunity to save their own asses and then punish Hitler. Someone needs to just bomb f****** England
And I'm saying that as a descendant of England's greatest shipbuilder Henry Finch Winchilsea England!
That's a brave stand and a remarkable tell about England...Hat's off to you sir and heavy hearted I have to concur as my Father and Mother both immigrants Irish Mauritian to England wished for their children to have a good life... now what does that say about England !! White European Countries are under attack, no doubt about it as I have watched in the last four to five years... I stated back when the Balkans war erupted 'this is a Religious War and it is going to spread over the whole of Europe and Great Britain to a Jamaican lady I was installing a new central heating system in her house...and she exclaimed this is a back door invasion of England, that was in the nineties... well that is what is occurring right now as we speak...Ironic as me a mixed race kid born in the 60's in Essex, a rude Essex boy as a copper said to me despite my twenty seven letter name he laughed your more English than you are foreign whilst being nicked for drinking and fighting as it is a Garrison town where I live so was par for the course, the usual Friday night out on the lash !! Two wrongs don't make a right... I stayed away from white people for twelve years because of the realisation over my lifetime of the racist and prejudice treatment by the majority, the final straw being when I joined the Fire Service I thought I joined a select group of men and women who's benchmark is that you are a Firefighter regardless of colour gender or faith...Fire knows no prejudice only man against fellow man that's why I became a Firefighter but unfortunately I was wrong, I was just a toy to be played and to the management a political pawn in the bullshit diversity inclusion narrative which worsened everything and caused more problems than it solved... !! Anyhow it appears Christianity is under attack and Christians are being singled out above any other religion... Stupid ignorant Muslims who think to conquer Christianity instead of respecting each other faiths flawed as they all are and working toward the same end, God almighty !! we are fighting each other opposed to working together so all good sensed reasoned Christians and Muslims recognise that we have a common enemy and it is driving conflict between us both. The agent provocateur in all of this is where our attentions should be and working together to expose and eradicate this evil from our lives homes and world that's the only chance we have if we are to break and destroy this once and for all... we all are different and that is a good thing enabling us all to adapt and adopt what is wholesome and good from each other for each other and when we have won this battle go home and spread the good news and build back again those national states recognising each other and living our own way of life and respecting that...anyone who wishes to wage conflict upon the other expect to meet lawful resistance !!
He didn't even start out that way the f****** Jews kept rubbing his face in the s*** then he finally said I've had it
That's because he never wanted to turn against his own people and offered a lot of times peace to the jews he didn't wanted to wage war because he knowed that millions of german aryan white people would die he wanted to free the world from the banking jews and make the world free from the parasites and live in a kosher free white society and he was so close 12 years free from the parasites
Thank you!
6 000 000 - 666 9/11 -666 7/10/2023 -15/6
www-666 xxx-666 and so on everything they do is completely satanic and demonic but is normal cuz they're the destroyers and will remain the destroyers until they lead everyone to hell with they're father lucifer
And these f****** are so arrogant that they take credit in the Kabbalah for the flower of Life the seed of life and the tree of Life. Do these idiots know that they are on Karnak and a couple other places in Egypt and then precedes ancient Egypt by thousands of years? Typical lying pieces of s*** f****** Jews. They're going to pay one day dearly.
And their little escape place under the Denver airport and in the western states guess what people that have worked in there with the CIA have ways that is going to pull all that down say 50 years from now they ain't going to have a f****** place to hide that's all going to be sabotaged I know someone whose brothers working on it right now
The Jews.......
Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians
Killed the Son of God
Planned WW1 (17 years before) - Started WW1
Instigated a genocide of Hungarians (BΓ©la Kun)
Own all Hollywood studios
Own the magazines
Own the newspapers
Own the social media platforms
Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize
Print all the school books
Control Wall Street
Control the School System,
Control the FBI,
Control the CIA,
Control the NSA,
Control the UN,
Control the WEF,
Control the Federal Reserve (And all Central Banks)
Controlled the KGB
Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, now blame it on White Christians.
Starved to death 12-18 Million White Ukrainian Christians,
Started the French Revolution
Started the Cuban revolution
Started the Russian Revolution - Killed 50-67 Million White Christians,
Started the German Revolution
Started the Spanish Revolution
Started the Chinese Revolution (Co-launched)
Started the "Rhodesian Bush War", led to the cleansing of White Farmers
Started the ethnic cleansing of Serbia
Started the American opioid crisis: killed milliins of Americans
Started WW2 - blamed the Germans
Started "Drag Queen Story Hour" (Jew Michelle Tea)
Lied about being gassed
Ethnically cleansed Palestine,
Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild-Balfour Declaration,
Changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965
Attacked The USS Liberty
Attacked The USS Cole
Attacked The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, and Pentagon,
Sent America's sons to die for Israel in pointless, middle eastern wars
Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above
Invented communism
Invented the "Frankfurt School"
Invented the "Over Population Theory"
Invented apartheid and anti-apartheid in South Africa (supported both sides)
Invented the phone sex business (Jew feminist Gloria Leonard)
Invented the Abortion Pill,
Invented the mass produced Condom,
Invented Feminism,
Invented the LGBTQIA+ Movement,
Invented the Anti-Christian pride Movement,
Invented the ADL, (after Rape and Murder of Mary Phagan),
Mutilate the genitals of infant boys then suck the blood from their bleeding penises (spreading their STDs to infants),
Invented Black Lives Matter,
Invented the NAACP,
Invented Antifa,
Invented the KKK,
Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association),
Invented Communism,
Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change),
Invented fake news,
Invented fake viruses,
Invented fake and lethal vaccines,
Invented the use of mercury to fill people's teeth
Founded CPUSA (Communist Party USA) in 1919 (Jew C. E. Ruthenberg)
Founded Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 (Crypto Jew Morris Dees)
Founded the abortion industry
Founded: "The Church of Satan" (Jew Anton LaVey)
Founded: "The Satanic Temple" (Jew Malcolm Jarry)
Wrote: "The Satanic Bible" (Jew Anton LaVey)
Wrote: "The Satanic Witch" (Jew Anton LaVey)
Infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry,
Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males),
Put all of the fluoride in the water,
Were expelled from over 1000 countries and communities (Afghanistan & Yemen recently),
Are demoralizing all western nations
Are Satanic,
Openly admit worshipping Lucifer as their god (Whistleblower Harold Wallace Rosenthal),
Are called the synagogue of Satan by the very Son of God
If you wouldn't mind -maybe you could put that on a note so I can restack it? I'd like to also send this to Dave Gahary and Jim Rizoli
You Rock!