The Bolsheviks will be unhappy with you unless you get some nut to do something stupid.

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You know the Americans got a taste of the old stab in the back during Vietnam! Iโ€™ve never heard anybody make the connection other than me. So I wrote an ode to our people!

I donโ€™t recall any Jews advocating for the reunification of Reich. I donโ€™t any Americans advocating for the that either.

But I do recall communist and Jews spitting on the Kaiserโ€™s Troops just like they spit on our boys coming from Vietnam.

I never thought our flag would be a bedsheet for homosexuality, prostitution and abortion but that is the liberal way. When they finally change the sheets who knows what colors they will use! ๐Ÿคฌ

Ladies and gentlemen,

Genocide will soon be upon us! You know it, I know it amd the perpetrators know it!

Now letโ€™s get these mother fuckers any way we can!

Auf, Auf zum Kampf!

Letโ€™s go!


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Buchanon stating that America was a melting pot and JEWdayoh Christian values at minute 22, BARF!

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I could not read past the vile subversive introduction to Buchanan's "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War". I don't know why he is cited so much.

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I keeping starting it, but man why does it have to be 10 hours. I am not a short attention span Tik Tok damaged guy, but there are limits. :-)

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I have the movie in 10 parts. Every episode can be watched on different days. There's no goal imposed to see the movie in one day

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Itโ€™s still a giant slog when people are busy. They need an editor.

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For centuries, the Negro stood on the shores of the mighty African continent with the wind in his face, and yet it never dawned on him to set sail!

Was it not the blood of our race that flowed at the very tip of the finger that reached out to the heavens in Michelangeloโ€˜s painting in order to touch God?

Letโ€™s get these mother fuckers! Donโ€™t cuck in the face of cowards!

Letโ€™s go!


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