Thank you W/R!! The 6 million number was an arbitrary number with beast system qualities no doubt and it was used by the Marshall plan to calculate reparations per man. Germany had to pay these reparations to Jewish peoples and it was in the billions of dollars, paid off in the 80's I believe. The Holocaust did happen though, Holocaust means' burnt offerings' and the fire bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Tokyo etc. did just that killing(burning) hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children located in non military areas.
when you win the war, you can write the script and thatโs all it was. The Jews got away with one of the biggest frauds in history and if you question it, youโre a holocaust denier. So were there holes on the roof? Did someone scrape away the gravel debris, the LG the build up the prove the allies point.
Thank you W/R!! The 6 million number was an arbitrary number with beast system qualities no doubt and it was used by the Marshall plan to calculate reparations per man. Germany had to pay these reparations to Jewish peoples and it was in the billions of dollars, paid off in the 80's I believe. The Holocaust did happen though, Holocaust means' burnt offerings' and the fire bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Tokyo etc. did just that killing(burning) hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children located in non military areas.
Very good work, White Rabbit. This adds clarity to the truth about the so called Holocaust.
To say it,though invites persecution in the harshest manner.
But still, there is no evidence that the Holocaust happened.
when you win the war, you can write the script and thatโs all it was. The Jews got away with one of the biggest frauds in history and if you question it, youโre a holocaust denier. So were there holes on the roof? Did someone scrape away the gravel debris, the LG the build up the prove the allies point.