Stay away from heavy metals, excess sugar and processed foods to keep immune system strong. Also, morgellons is made mostly of heavy metals and a physiology that is acidic is where it thrives. See Harold Kurtz Vella

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Morgellons is and sprayed in the fake clouds, the chemtrails. IT is already 100% infection as we all breath the air. You want proof of this do the red wine test. Brush teeth and rinse mouth thoroughly, next swish red wine in mouth for 1 minute, spit red wine on white ceramic plate or bowl (you will see what will appear to be pulp fibers but this is not the case), pour isopropyl alcohol in same dish. The rubbing alcohol will make the morgellon fibers that have now been dyed from wine go crazy! They will literally shake and attempt to come together forming a net or series of ropes. There is intelligence displayed and it is creepy as hell

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