But if it did happen I wouldn't be surprised- The Jews hate Ukrainians, just look at the history of the Cossack struggle against Polish rule

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I mean... did it really happen?

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When Germany lost WWI, the Jews took over power. They morally destroyed the country. It was once a monarchy and the Jews turn it into as cess pool of debauchary. What was the counter? The Nazis. The Nazis, for the time being, saved Germany. Either murdered or removed the Jews. As for Russia, the whites were in shambles and too far spread apart to stop the centralized REDS. Once the WHITES were defeated, the JEWS wanted revenge on all Christians and thery where mass murdered. I still believe in defening ones country from such extreme measure. Russian peasants had no chance against well armed satanic Jews.

I think Hitler knew what happened in Russia with the mass killings and he did not want that. He knew the Jew would take over his country if he gave special rights to Jews. Not sure if 6million Jews where killed, but it is great Propaganda. Hitler was pigeon wholed from WWI and the mass killing in Russia. Not sure what I would do....

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I once read that โ€œa country gets the jews it deserves.โ€

Then I see this, and the early parallels in the US, and can only come to the conclusion that no one deserves jews.

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That fact that Russians never took vengeance against the jews for this is proof how cucked they have become.

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I believe the Eastern Orthodox faith does not allow vengence on it foes. They believe God will have his vengence. I concure with you, I would have mass murdered the jew. Mabe Hitler was right

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This is so demonic. Iโ€™m more than concerned for people thinking in alignment with you. Itโ€™s straight from hell.

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That the Jews mass murdered Christians by the millions? Or maybe, Hitler, knew that the Jews destroyed Germany IE Weimar Republic, and he tried to Save Germany. And yes Hitler was not a good person. But the Jews who murdered millions, well, pick your pill.

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Russia is still under jewish control. Putin is not the savior he portrays himself to be.

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What? Russia and Israel are moral enemies, they support Iran & Syria against Israeli power

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They tie Syriaโ€™s hands and donโ€™t allow them to retaliate against the jews despite years of attacks. I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if theyโ€™ve tied Iranโ€™s hands too. Iran foolishly joined BRICS when it will be nothing more than the new host for the jewish parasites after the west is used up.

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The USSR literally sent troops to fight Israel and train Arabs in the Yom Kippur war. And it's not that they're "tying hands", it's just called diplomacy- they don't want to provoke the American military industrial complex, which is subserviant to the Jews. My only real gripe with Russia is them sending African and Middle Eastern migrants to the Polish and Finnish borders, so I'm not exactly pro-Russian or Third-Worldist. I have more of a neutral stance, I just disagree with you saying Putin is a Jewish puppet when that is not the case at all.

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A cheap ploy. Give them enough to become dependent and prevent them from developing their own military capacity while never giving them enough to actually win.

Putin does nothing to oppose the jews. The Holodomore and Red Terror still go unpunished. No vengeance against the jews means no justice for the victims.

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Yes, that is true, the jew is everywhere. My original point, how the Russians never massed murdered back the communist jew. Or maybe this was all planned by the jew in the first place. Pretend communism collasped so the west would not have a bogie man.

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How is it possible to stop these conquering heartless savage people who wish is to enslave humanity. God help us.

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