The book, 200 years together, is free on Yandex.com.

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I know about this long ago. The Bolsheviks are pure pure evil.

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You can bet the criminals in America are trying to destroy this. Alexander Solzhenitsyn book is free on Yandex.com.

200 years together, is the name of the book.

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn book is FREE on Yandex.com. The Bolsheviks in America hate Putin because he still allows the book in their internet archives.

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Putin has been eradicating the leftover trash in the Ukraine that McStain and Obama helped.

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Common denominator is ????????

Central banks , clap clap clap clap!!

How could a human being become so evil as to commit the atrocities these things ( not people ) have come to be known for?

This is a really tough analysis however the odds of it being to secure lives of their future children is definitely not it, these people are much to evil not to have a bigger plan and this is where it gets biblical. Also of all the lies they tell and all the history they cover up, all the intimidation, buying and selling of morality there is one thing they donโ€™t change, the word of god, they cover things up and try to get us to see gods word as different things, but they do not dare change it, why is that? For anyone on the fence this is your proof if needs to go this far? it had to go this far for me, I was unconvinced until I tried to find a reason for the evil. This evil goes beyond human comprehension, this evil is older than human comprehension. We are not dealing with something dumb here unfortunately. Does anyone see this from a different standpoint than me?

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The zionist jews are pure pure evil. My dad educated le in the middle 60โ€™s about JEWS.

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โ€œThere are no Jews in the ranks of the Red Army as far as privates are concerned, but in the Committees, and in the Soviet organization as Commissars, the Jews are gallantly leading the masses. The symbol of Jewry has become the symbol of the Russian proletariat, which can be seen in the fact of the adoption of the five-pointed star, which in former times was the symbol of Zionism and Jewry."


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@ynet - Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands .. Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, was a particularly cruel sadist.


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Reverend George A. Simons, who as the Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Petrograd from 1907 to 1918 was an eyewitness to the Bolshevik Revolution. He testified at US-Senate Volume III of Document No. 62, 66th Congress: "Out of 388 members of the new Russian government, only 16 happened to be Russians. One was an American Black. All the rest, 371, were Jews. Of these 371 Jewish Bolshevik leaders, no less than 265 of them were from the Lower East Side of New York City." (Feb. 1919)

Simons would testify before the Senate Overman Committee, describing the Bolsheviks as โ€œdemonsโ€, and explaining his own position as one of a Christian Socialist.

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You can order his book , just so you know.

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Excellent documentary!

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โ€œGrok, the AI chatbot developed by his startup xAI, will soon be able to summarize complex U.S. laws before Congress passes them.

This new feature aims to simplify legislation and make it more accessible to the public, allowing people to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.

Grok's ability to access real-time information through X(formerly Twitter) and browse the internet enables it to provide up-to-date summaries of proposed legislation.

This move comes as part of Musk's emphasis on transparency and truth in AI technology.

The feature is expected to be implemented in the coming weeks and will be available to X Premium+ subscriber.โ€ (AI summarized).

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So are yall neonazis or is that offensive to yall?

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Not everyone who sees the truth behind these beasts believes in national socialism or adheres to its values.

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Canโ€™t disagree there, just off putting to see all the hate and like Jewish conspiracy talk while ignoring the corporations that are truly behind things.

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They drained them and did rituals with their bodies.

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They are the Jews

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I think it's an ideology that is running the world. You can't necessarily point to a group and say, " it's the Jews." It's an ideology consumed by anyone who believes that ideology...it could be anyone, and the "anyone" is a very large group made up of different types of people. Look, I don't have the historical education to say I understand this subject completely, but this enemy is real and it's been around possibly for centuries.

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I mean thereโ€™s your like known conspiracies right, like the business classes have worked with state governments to expand corporate and state power since like the 1600s. Thereโ€™s been radicalized conspiracies within America to oppress and disenfranchise minorities since the founding. Some of the actors in the world today go back hundreds of years, some are new from this century. Some of the tactics they use like divide and conquer are thousand of years old and digital disinformation campaigns are a new phenomenon. At the end of the day, a few powerful people make decisions that impact billions.

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Racial* not radicalized

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Do you mean this leviathan is one particular racial group and not just a radicalized group of different types of people?

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I want to commend you on this documentary! Well done!

Now Iโ€™ve known this history for 30yrs now but the average lemming has no clue! ๐Ÿคฌ

Once you see the truth you cannot unsee it.

The truth will set you free!

Letโ€™s go!


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I have a question. Are there communist Jews who believe in the communist ideology who are responsible for convincing the world that nazis were exterminating jews? If that's true, and I'm not certain, it sounds very similar to the Democrats convincing the world that Republicans were pro slavery when no Republican ever owned a slaveโ€ฆDemocrats owned slaves and the KKK was the strong arm of the Democrats.

Who is this enemy without a nation that murders millions and then blames another group for their crimes?

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Hitler watched the Bolsheviks mass murder rhe Christians for more than a decade before he got in power.

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Let me get back to you on that question about Hitler and about whether itโ€™s communist Jews, or communist ideology that way I can give you a really well thought out answer. Right mow Iโ€™m driving down the road. Iโ€™ll get back to you on it for sure.

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The Deeper down the rabbit hole you go, what youโ€™ll find at the bottom is a complex geometrical shape of parallel, intersecting, and contradicting lines.

Thatโ€™s the rationale, the art is in its design! And that all depends on whoโ€™s designed it.


Iโ€™ve stared into the darkness of the abyss for many decades and that is what I found.

You know Anna Applebaum tipped their hand in one of her books when she laid out the model of what a Soviet (Jewish) takeover looks like using Poland 1939-41 as the model:

1. Set up a parallel government and seize the policing apparatus; military intelligence, government intelligence, and the police. Itโ€™s a matter of national security so thereโ€™s a chain of command. You never know who you really working for.

2. Seize all communications.

3. Control the military chain of command

4. Infiltrate all organizations both private and public including local chess clubs in order to stamp out freedom of thought; from clergy, youth groups, sowing clubs you name it!

5. Seize the means of production ie the economy

To quote (paraphrase) Anna Applebaum in her book Gulag:

โ€œThe workers utopia is no longer seen as being in the East, they now reside in the Westโ€

Soviet Union collapses they jump ship and create the European Union

Thereโ€™s no madness! This is what it means to be awake. This is what it means to forge the proper lens in which to view the world through. In my case, a right wing lens. And not this bullshit of today where we only have two options: globalization eg diversity, equity, inclusion based on human rights which has been inverted by Marxists to mean minority rights based on race/color, religion, sex, gender etcโ€ฆ and the other option is Zionism. Thatโ€™s all we get, either globalism or Zionism which are technically one and the same.

America first has been de facto banned since the advent of WWII. The reason being is the new deal had four terms in order to solidify the takeover of the government by an international clique of bloodless soilless, gutless traitors who have seized western man by the hair on our heads. (Not to hijack Winston Churchillโ€™s Zionism vs Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of the Jewish people)

Itโ€™s the donors who pay the piper and call the tune in which the politicians dance to.

Thatโ€™s why theyโ€™re able to subvert the will of the people and shape the world in their grotesque and hideous image!

Itโ€™s to the point now where the stench of liberal Democracy is so putrid, so rotten everybodyโ€™s afraid to look around and see where the stench is coming from.


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Isn't that when they were taking the wheat and making liquor until the population was starving and they got thrown out for it ?

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I donโ€™t recall any Jews advocating for the reunification of the Reich! I donโ€™t recall any Americans advocating for that either. But I do recall communist and Jews, spitting on the Kaiserโ€™s troops, just like they spit on our boys coming home from Vietnam! ๐Ÿคฌ [hello]

I never thought our flag would be a bedsheet for homosexuality, prostitution, and abortion, but that is the neoliberal way (Marxist)! When they finally change the sheets, who knows what colors they will use.


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Thank the zionidt Jews. Trumps cabinet is pretty much zionist jews, as Bidens. Time for America to wake the hell up, Jesus Christ in his 2 nd coming will deal with Israel. After all it was the jews who killed Jesus Christ. We are in the end times. Praise are lord and savior Jesus Christ KING OF KINGS

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Maybe you should go read all of John Chapter 8. Then tell me if you think Jesus is a liar ?

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And please excuse any typo errors, and or some words that donโ€™t make sense. Iโ€™m voice texting hastily so consider this a rough draft please!

With the overthrow of the Kings of Europe began the privatization of communication cables by the 1800s all Western communications was in the hand of what was called the big three German Jew, a British Jew I believe a French Jew! They controlled all communications in the west, and then they would sell the news throughout their networks and they controlled the discourse even back then with the privatization of communications! Because of their stranglehold, the Germans went wireless this is how they were able to break away from the system, and circumvent their stranglehold on the news and the discourse, which gave rise to the Hitler phenomenon as a resistance against both capitalism and communism which act like two giant pincers And over to overthrow and seize Europe thereโ€™s a lot I could say Iโ€™ve studied this for over 30 years once again. Iโ€™m saying this on the fly this is just a rough draft please forgive any typo errors.

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Wow. We are in the dark. I appreciate the background on this madness Dr. Von Hagen. I'm getting the sense that Hitler was not the bad guy in history. I read somewhere that General Patton said we were fighting the wrong enemy....that's quite the statement. So who is the enemy that cannot claim a nation as their own. Instead they are in the background worldwide causing death and mayhem....is it communist Jews? Or just the communist ideology in general? Not particularly Jew, or American, Chinese?

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Nora Volkow is Trotskys great granddaughter. Trotskys real name was Lez Davidovich Bronstien.

Look her up. She works for the National Institute of Health. She has watched about 2 million Americans die from Fentanyl. Her stench is just as bad as his.

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Absolutely! Itโ€™s a mindcontrol program ๐Ÿคฌ it was used as part of the denazification program post WWII and yes, the Soviets used Jews in key positions behind the iron curtain in order to rule with an iron fist with no mercy! Theres a chronological order to all this. The Allieโ€™s used it as part of the denazification program after the war! The Soviets used it in order to brand, then arrest, any opposition to the party. You have to remember, the rhetoric of equality appealed to the Jews pre Hitler throughout the East because they were a minority group. But we also know it was Jewish capitalists from the west who financed the Bolsheviks during the revolution! That way they could cash in during the industrialization of both Russia and then China. We see this with guys like Armand Hammer! Google him, yes the baking soda there lays the secret. Thatโ€™s why communism worked in backwards nations like Russia and China rather than industrial nations! I would go so far to say Western capitalists out of NY and London (mostly Jews) used Marxism as the revolutionary spirit as a means to other through the old Europe and seize their means of production by creating captive economies (slave labor) for international trade and power! The Soviet and the Chinese were working with Western capitalist the whole time meanwhile, their networks would say they were mortal enemies, but not at the highest levels of government in trade! The enemies from within they own us and they will destroy us! Now that our nations depth is over 35 trillion the rhetoric of equality will eventually lead to the slaughter of millions of Americans in particular by using minority groups. That way they can seize property legally and not have to pay the pensioners because theyโ€™ll be all dead. Thereโ€™s a lot I could say, but Iโ€™m at work gotta go.

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Is that a yes to my question?

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Chronologically and historically speaking, Iโ€™m a German sympathizer. Iโ€™m not ashamed to admit that. It didnโ€™t happen over night.

Was it not in 1919 when Germany laid naked, starved and disarmed, by the League of Nations the Jew, Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Lev Bronstien, first head of the red army-second to Lenin, one could say the โ€œGeorge Washingtonโ€ of Marxist Leninism, called for world revolution? First through Poland and then Germany, and then the whole wide world!

Itโ€™s no wonder why the Bolsheviks in those days who were heavily armed were calling for world revolution while Germany was ripe for the taking and disarmed by the League of Nations.

In those days Jewish Bolshevism was a real threat and phenomenon! Everywhere they went mass murder was the order of the day. And letโ€™s not forget in the East, after all the bloodshed that took place there during the war [WWI], the war continued from 1917-1922 by these traitorous Bolsheviks who, in the nations most weakest of hrs, rose up all across the Western and eastern world in a bid to seize power while financed by Western capitalists out of London and NY. It wasnโ€™t until 1922 with the Miracle on the Vistula, the maps of Eastern Europe would drawn up and soldier from 1922-1939!

It was this Bolshevik defeat in Poland under the Jew leon Trotskyโ€™s leadership which caused that loser [Lev Bronstien], along with his international clique of Jewish Bolsheviks to finally fall from grace in a struggle for power with Stalin that finally ended, or at least put on hold, this concept of world revolution.

With the death of Lenin and Stalinโ€™s victory over Trotsky along with the Jewish element of communism, eventually would lead to the purging of that Jewish element by mid to late 30โ€™s prior to the start of WWII in 39 and finally culminating in 1948 with advent of Israel. Itโ€™s at this juncture this elusive snake would slither its tail into the West in particular, in a bid to lick their wounds and plot a new chapter in the history of the Jews.

But until then, Jewish bolshivism was a believable phenomenon in real time back then, regardless if was an exaggeration or not. The first head of the red army was in fact a Jew who today, would qualify for his right to return even though he was an atheist.

To be continuedโ€ฆ

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I utterly, with an intense, murderous rage. HATE all Marxists, communists, socialists and have dedicated my entire adult life to seeing them all exterminated.

They are subhuman cockroaches

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Thanks bot. You took the words right out of my comment, but I agree. Jews aren't real humans.

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