So pass legislation to stop them being over represented - pass laws to stop dominance. No excuse for genocide and stealing others wealth. Netanyahu/Hilter - same .. both evil. Xx

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It is very difficult to find primary sources for the population data to support this. The World Almanacs for certain years goes some way, but it seems the main sources relied upon are Pew Research, The American Jewish Committee, Nizkor Project among others. Thereโ€™s also a large number of sites that dispute the World Almanac data, for the obvious reasons. Iโ€™ve looked at various other sites recommended, only to find they no longer exist.

I have only recently been exposed to this hidden truth, so my research journey is in its infancy. Therefore, is there anything else you could recommend that would help me with the best sources (eg books, docos, films, podcasts etc)?

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Welcome to the club of recently-exposed. I am just a little further along this road.

Here is one place to start (re)searching ...

โ€ข ETA - Expose Them All โ€“ archive.org



In particular see (and other similar collections of Books, Pamphlets, Docuemtaries et cetera)0

โ€ข Essays, Articles, Studies, Reports, Documents, PDF's - Various Text (1) โ€“ 539 PDFs


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What about all the deaths in the POW camps? Was it related to the Typhus outbreaks and lack of food after the allies invaded Germany? What about the accounts of prisoners in the camps killing the SS guards in retaliation for their cruel punishment, are these false narratives as well? I am sincerely curious and am seeking the truth. Thank you

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